Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned…

I have committed the cardinal sin of marketing: I haven’t been blogging for own company. 

*GASP!!* I know, I know, bear with me. 

I HAVE been blogging for clients, so that’s something, but when it comes to my own marketing efforts, I have a tendency to do what most people do: put it on the back burner. And I have to say, I don’t love blogging, mainly because I come from old school journalistic writing, and I have a tendency to be a bit, shall we say…long winded. I do love the Oxford comma, and can create some VERY complex sentences with it! 

However, this is not blog-friendly. In fact, 55% of you reading this will give it 15 seconds or less, and then leave. Ouch. 

The solution? Better content. I’ve decided to start sharing EXACTLY what is working for my clients with you. The marketing spectrum changes quickly, and it’s always a challenge to stay on top of new trends. So, I’ll be doing the hard work for you, and telling you the newest tactics that work for business, and maybe some that aren’t worth your while. I think that’s a fair penance for ignoring this blog for the last year or so, don’t you? 

If there’s something you’d like to read about that you’d find helpful, then drop me a line, and I’ll do my best to blog about it. (Pinky swear)   
